Frequently Asked Questions - #SHOPLOOOHwonderland Loyalty Program
Simply register an account at our website to become our basic tier member.
One (1) point will be awarded to every RM1 spent. Accumulation points may redeem as cash voucher in our website.
Your member tier will be upgraded once total spent was accumulated in specified amounts in last 365 days.
Basic - Free To Join
Lady - RM1500
Queen - RM2500
Goddess - RM3500
No, it depends on your total spent accumulated in last 365 days. System will update the latest member tier every 365 days from the date of last upgraded. However, member points are permanent.
You may click the Membership icon at the bottom left of our website to check your current member tier/points and update your member details.
Yes, all vouchers redeemed are valid for 1 month. Once voucher is expired, the voucher can no longer be used.
Please click the Membership icon at the bottom left of our website and select ‘Invite your friends’ to get your unique referral link. Your friends will get 1000 S-Points after registered an account via the link. You will also receive 1000 S-Points after 10 working days once your friends had make an order which applied the code given.
Yes, please notify your contact number to our staff when purchase at retail shop.
You will receive special S-Points and a discount voucher on your birthday. You are compulsory to redeem birthday discount voucher between 14 days of birthday. A notification email will be received before 14 days of your birthday.
*Please update your birthdate by clicking the member card icon at the bottom left of our website.